Thursday 31 May 2012

Royal tea party

As my daughter is having today Royal tea party at school to celebrate Queens Jubilee I have made some cupcakes for the party. I couldn't find any union jack cupcake cases anywhere, so I decorated ordinary cupcake cases and because I really wanted the cupcakes to look special I made some toothpick toppers.
All you need to make the toothpick toppers is just union jack flag patterned paper or union jack flag downloaded online, glue and wooden toothpick.
Toothpick toppers are double sided, it looks much better.

 And finally cupcake with my special case and topper :)

Sunday 6 May 2012

Paper roses

Today I made some paper roses with my daughter as the wreath needed some update . . . organza petals were Eliska's idea . . .

Friday 4 May 2012


Would love to go to the Flower Parade tomorrow, but due to the heavy rain still not decided.
At least I took these pics on Monday in Springfield gardens . . .

Sunday 8 April 2012


Velikonoce jsou tady . . . a nimi spousta vajicek, kralicku a slepicek . . . a kousek nasi vyzdoby.

Sunday 1 April 2012

Aprilove tvoreni

Mame dalsi nadherny slunecny den, venku krasne teplo, jaro v plnem proudu . . .
a je nejvyssi cas pripravit se na Velikonoce . . . a ty nemuzou byt bez slepicek .

Friday 10 February 2012

Birthday Doll

I absolutely love Tatiana Conne dolls and all her animals and stuff she does.
So I tried to make my doll . . . in fact it was birthday present for my little girl.